GuD was commissioned in early 2007 by Stadtwerke Rostock AG with the planning of the renovation of the former gasworks of the Rostock city center. The remediation target for the use-specific contaminated site was to significantly reduce pollutant emissions from the property via the groundwater path. An essential part of the planning was the review of the measure by means of extensive groundwater modeling.
Both the safety measures taken in the form of a sheet pile wall shielding in connection with the production of an intake drainage along the western boundary of the property and the measures for surface sealing enable the economic reuse of the site of the former gasworks in Rostock.
SWR Stadtwerke Rostock AG
2007 - 2012
- planning, tendering and technical supervision of the subsoil and track investigation for the current fuse protection and drainage
- adaption and updating of an existing groundwater flow and pollutant transport model using modflow
- incorporation of the results and their evaluation in the draft design
- planning according to HOAI § 55, Lph. 1 and 2 for the surface sealing of approx. 49.000 m2 (contamination areas)
- adapting and updating the planning according to HOAI § 55, Loh. 3-7 and the refurbishment measure, including surface sealing
- preparation of the restructuring plan according to BBodSchV
- planning of a sewerage channel in public roads according to HOAI § 55, Lph. 1 and 2 for regulating the water balance (fitting and disposal of surface and drainage water)