

In 1980, the office GuD Grundbau und Dynamik GmbH was founded by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurt-M. Borchert, Dipl.- Ing. Hans L. Hebener and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Richter founded in Berlin. In the almost 40 years of existence, the office has adapted itself again and again to the constantly changing requirements, standards and circumstances. New companies and branches were founded, others left the GuD group. The management has been continuously expanded and the office has become a leader in its industry.

1980  Founding of GuD Grundbau und Dynamik office by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurt-M. Borchert, Dipl.-Ing. Hans L. Hebener and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Richter.
1990  Joining of Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stavros A. Savidis, holder of the chair for foundation engineering and soil mechanics and head of the German Society for Soil Mechanics (Degebo) at the Technical University Berlin.
1990  Founding of the Leipzig office GUD Ingenieurbüro für Geotechnik, Umweltschutz und Dynamik GmbH, later named GuD Geotechnik und Umweltgeologie GmbH.
1994  Founding of the GuD Ingenieurbüro für Spezialtiefbau GmbH with Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Schneider joining as partner to bundle performances for specialized monitoring and quality management in the field of special foundation  engineering.
1999  Joining of Dipl.-Ing. Almuth Große as partner and manager of GuD Geotechnik und Umweltgeologie GmbH in Leipzig.
2000  Founding of the GuD Planungsgesellschaft für Ingenieurbau GmbH with Dipl.-Ing. Oskar Pekoll as partner.
2003  Opening of the Athens branch.
2004  Joining of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Lutz, Dr. rer. nat. Götz Hirschberg, Dr.-Ing. Jens Mittag as well as Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Schneider as partners and managers.
2006  Opening of the Hamburg branch.
2007  Founding GuD Consult GmbH as holding.
2008  Joining of Dr.-Ing. Fabian Kirsch as partner and manager.
2008  Founding of the Hanseatic Power Cert GmbH in Hamburg for the project certification of offshore wind energy projects.
2011  Exit of the GuD Planungsgesellschaft für Ingenieurbau mbH from the GuD group. The GuD Planungsgesellschaft für Ingenieurbau mbH operates since then as an independent office for building construction planning without connection to the GuD group
2011  Merger of the office of GuD Ingenieurbüro für Spezialtiefbau GmbH with GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH in order to bundle the areas of business.
2011  Founding of the GuD Consult India Private Limited based in New Delhi.
2012  Appointment of Dipl.-Ing. Kerstin Deterding and Dipl.-Ing. Josef-A. Patron as authorized signatories.
2012  Resignation of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lutz as partner and manager, who takes over the chair of geotechnical  engineering at the Beuth Hochschule, Berlin.
2013  Opening of the Cologne branch.
2014  Appointment of Dr.-Ing. Silke Appel and Dipl.-Ing. Hilmar Leonhardt as authorized signatories.
2015  Resignation of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Borchert, Dipl.-Ing. Hebener, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Richter and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Savidis from the management board whilst remaining in the company as senior partners.
2016  Joining the BBI Geo- und Umwelttechnik Ingenieur-Gesellschaft mbH, Hamburg as partners, with the managers  Dr.-Ing. Franjo Böckmann, Dr.-Ing. habil. Sascha Henke, Dr. rer. nat. Götz Hirschberg, Dr.-Ing. Fabian Kirsch, Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Olaf Stahlhut and the senior-partner Dipl.-Ing. Peter Bahnsen.
2018 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Borchert, Dipl.-Ing. Hebener, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Richter and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Savidis are retiring from GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH as senior partners, but will continue to be available as senior consultants.
2018 Closure of the GuD Consult India Private Limited based in New Delhi.
2019  Founding of the GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH branch in Frankfurt am Main. Branch management: Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Florian Böhm.
2019  Dr.-Ing. Silke Appel joined GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik GmbH as a partner and was appointed managing director.
2021 Retirement of Dipl.-Ing. Josef-A. Patron as authorized signatory from the management.
2021 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Borchert, Dipl.-Ing. Hebener, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Richter and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Savidis left GuD Consult GmbH as senior partners, but continue to be available to the GuD Group as senior consultants.
2022 Dr.-Ing. Franjo Böckmann resigned as partner from the management of BBI Geo- und Umwelttechnik Ingenieur-Gesellschaft mbH, Hamburg and remains in the company as senior consultant with Dipl.-Ing. Peter Bahnsen.
2022 Appointment of Dr.techn. Bert Schädlich as authorized signatory.
2023 Entry into the Gesellschaft für Schwingungsuntersuchungen und dynamische Prüfmethoden mbH (GSP) with headquarters in Mannheim. GSP is managed by Dipl.-Ing. C. Mayer, Dr.-Ing. M. Schallert and Dr.-Ing. Silke Appel and is the representative of Pile Dynamics Inc., Cleveland, USA, the world's leading manufacturer of measurement technology, hardware and software for pile testing.
2023 With effect from the beginning of 2023, GuD has decided to give up its involvement as a shareholder in HPC. It will continue to act as a service provider in its areas of expertise for HPC.
2025 Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Schneider is retiring from the management of the GuD Group, but will continue to be available as a senior consultant.