GSP at the Christian-Veder-Kolloqium in Granz

8th April 2024
GSP at the Christian-Veder-Kolloqium in Granz

As a specialist in dynamic and thermal pile testing, our partner GSP Mannheim has been a household name in German-speaking specialised civil engineering for many years. At this year's Christian Veder Colloquium in Graz, Managing Director Dr Matthias Schallert (centre) once again took the opportunity to exchange ideas with customers and project partners and present the latest developments in pile testing technology. 

As in previous years, GuD Berlin (pictured right and left: our employees Dr Bert Schädlich and Matthias Römer) also took part in this largest annual geotechnical conference in the German-speaking world.
Many thanks to the organising team from Graz University of Technology for the excellent organisation as always and we look forward to seeing you again next year!