About 35 km northeast of Saßnitz (Island of Rügen) and within the exclusive economic zone (AWZ9) of the Federal Republic of Germany is the offshore wind farm Arkona basin southeast. It will comprise a total of 60 multi-megawatt class wind turbines with a total capacity of 385 MW and a substation on a net area of approximately 39 km2.
In this project, GuD was named as geotechnical expert in accordance with BSH standard. The ground and foundation report prepared by GuD contains a geological and geotechnical location description as well as a summary of field and laboratory test results in site-specific design profiles for the selected foundation variant with mono bloc foundation. After setting up the wind turbine, analysis of driven piles was carried out to confirm the assumptions about the subsoil.
- expert for geotechnical engineering
- dynamic pile test loads
- post-analysis of the pile-driving
- geotechnical consulting