For the project „Cultural location Schiffbauergasse” in Potsdam, a complete gasometer and base plate of another gasometer had to be dismantled at the location of the former gas works. Burdens of building substance and soil due to PAHs, phenols, cyanides and MKW were found and had to be remediated.
Landeshauptstadt Potsdam represented by den Sanierungsträger Potsdam, Gesellschaft der behutsamen Stadterneuerung mbH, Treuhänder der Stadt Potsdam
2002 - 2003
- basic determination with setting up a deficit analysis
- investigations of structure, soil and groundwater
- declaration analysis of the residual water in the tank
- waste classification of the building substance and the soil
- rehabilitation planning with showing remediation alternatives
- outline planning with budget document construction
- approval planning with work and safety plan
- detailed design
- preparing the assignment with setting up the service specification
- contribute to the award
- specialist construction management for dismantling
- object support and dismantling documentation