About the Salvador Allende Bridge leads one of the busiest traffic connections in southeastern Berlin. The bridge over the Müggelspree was built in 1981 with two lanes on prestressed concrete fields over three river piers. Because of alkali-silicia reaction and increasing formation of cracks in the structure, the bridge must be renewed. First, the western part is dismantled and the foundation elements for the new building are produced. Road traffic should roll over the eastern half of the bridge during this period.
Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz Berlin
since 2018
- conception of a measuring system for an on-site vibration monitoring during the demolition works
- specification of limit and alarm values with regard to threats of the building fabric and dynamically induced settlement of the existing foundations
- construction and operation of a continuous vibration measuring system with 24 measuring channels for automated monitoring of the effects of vibrations on the used part of the bridge with on-site alarm signal output
- short-term advice on the occurrence of critical measurements
- weekly documentation with evaluation of the results of the evidence collection