Dipl.-Ing. Almuth Große

Partner/ managing director


Dipl.-Ing. (civil engineering)

Core Competencies

  • Site investigation and foundation consulting for buildings, engineering structures and traffic facilities as well as tunnels
  • Geotechnical consulting
  • Planning, supervision and evaluation of test loads (piles)
  • Earth static calculations (settlement and stability calculations)
  • Structural design in special civil engineering and foundation engineering
  • Quality assurance in the construction of deep excavations, construction supervision and specialist site management
  • In-house and external monitoring in road, earth and landfill construction
  • Verification of earth static calculations
  • Polluted site investigation, pollutant cadastre
  • Planning of remediation and dismantling, disposal concepts

Professional Experience

since 2007 GuD Consult GmbH
Partner/ managing director
since 1995 GuD Geotechnik und Umweltgeologie GmbH, Leipzig
General manager, Partner/ managing director since 1999
1994-1995 IGU Ingenieurbüro für Grundbau und Bodenmechanik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Salomo und Partner GmbH, Uelzen
head of the branch Leipzig
1991-1994 Büro für Bodenmechanik, Michael Clemens + Ingenieure, Düsseldorf
head of the office Eilenburg
1990-1991 Robotron Anlagenbau GmbH
project manager urban water management
1990 Abschluss als Dipl.-Ing. Technische Hochschule Leipzig
Study of civil engineering, specialisation: civil engineering

Expert opinions

  • Approved test expert for earthworks and foundation engineering according to BauPrüfV (Checking Engineer)
  • Accredited and sworn expert by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Leipzig. Area of expertise: earthworks and foundation engineering, foundation damage and building sealing in the subsoi

Memberships, Association activities

  • German Geotechnical Society e.V. (DGGT)
  • Association of Consulting Engineers (Verband Beratender Ingenieure, VBI)
  • Chamber of Engineers Saxony (consulting engineer no. 10602) (Ingenieurkammer Sachsen)
  • Working committee ATV DIN 18319 „Rohrvortrieb“
  • Working committee ATV DIN 18324 „Horizontalspülbohrarbeiten“
  • Steering committee „Tiefbau“ (HAT) at the Deutschen Vergabe- und Vertragsausschuss für Bauleistungen e.V.  (DVA)
  • Working committee ATV DIN 18336 „Abdichtungsarbeiten“
Dipl.-Ing. Almuth Große