Dr.-Ing. Silke Appel

Partner / managing director


Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. (physical engineering)

Core competencies

  • building dynamics, soil dynamics
  • protection against vibration and secondary airborne sound emissions
  • machine dynamics
  • earthquake Engineering
  • numerical simulation calculations
  • geothermal

Professional career

since 2023GSP Gesellschaft für Schwingungsuntersuchungen und dynamische Prüfmethoden mbH
partner and managing director
since 2014GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH
authorized signatory, since 2019 partner and managing director
since 2014GuD Consult GmbH
authorized signatory, since 2019 partner and managing director
2010-2014Müller-BBM GmbH
head of the branch BFB Stuttgart
2011Technical University Berlin
doctorate in Dr.-Ing.
1997-2010GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH
consultant engineer for structural dynamics and geophysical tasks
1997Degree Dipl.-Ing. Technical University Berlin
Physical engineering studies

Memberships, Association activities

  • DGGT Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik
  • Working group 1.4 Soil dynamics
  • Subcommittee of the working group 1.5 Numerik
  • Standards committee DIN 4150-1 and DIN 4150-2
  • VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V.
Dr.-Ing. Silke Appel