Senior consultant
Prof. Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. (civil engineering)
Core competencies
- Expert / consultant for geo-technical engineering
- Planning of construction pits, injections, sealings and foundations of buildings and traffic routes
- Testing of geo-technical structures and components
Professional experience
since 1983 | GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH in Berlin until 2014 partner and managing director, 2015-2017 senior partner, since 2018 senior consultant |
since 2007 | GuD Consult GmbH until 2014 partner and managing director, 2015-2021 senior partner, since 2022 senior consultant |
1991-2017 | GuD Geotechnik und Umweltgeologie GmbH in Leipzig managing director |
2000 - 2007 | GuD Planungsgesellschaft für Ingenieurbau mbH partner and managing director |
1995 – 2007 | GuD Ingenieurbüro für Spezialtiefbau GmbH partner and managing director |
1983 | TU Berlin doctorate in Dr.-Ing. |
1977 - 1983 | Institut für Grundbau und Bodenmechanik an der TU Berlin assistant professor |
1974 - 1977 | Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH in Berlin Member of the technical staff |
1974 | Abschluss Dipl.-Ing. (TU) Ingenieurakademie für Bauwesen in Berlin Civil Engineering, Major: Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering |
Expert opinions
- Recognized expert for soil mechanics and foundations in accordance with the German building law until 2015.
- Accreditation as EBA-expert (Eisenbahn-Bundesamt)[Federal railroad Authority] for geotechnical engineering for construction projects in railroad construction until 2015
- officially appointed and sworn expert at the IHK Berlin/Brandenburg for construction pits, injection und sealing technologies
Memberships, Association activities
- Member of the VBI (Verein Beratender Ingenieure)[Association of Consultant Engineers]
- Member of the chapter of the Erd- und Grundbau [Soil and Foundations] DGGT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik) [German Geotechnical Society]
- Pflichtmitglied der Baukammer [Mandatory Member of the Federal Chamber of Engineers of Germany]
- Member of the main committee Tiefbau (HAT) im Deutschen Vergabe- und Vertragsausschuss für Bauleistungen (DVA) until 2016
- Chairman of the expert’s committee Tiefbau/Grundbau - „Injektionen in den Untergrund, vermörtelte Rüttelpfähle, Spezialpfähle - B2“ at the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik [German Instutute of Civil Engineering] untill 2019
- Full member of the committee 2.4 „Baugruben“ of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V.
- NABau workshop DIN 4093 (Bemessung von Bodenverfestigungen)[Rating of ground stabilization]
- Chairman of the working group „Düsenstrahlverfahren“ DIN 18321 (VOB, Teil C)
- Chairman of the working group „Einpressarbeiten“ DIN 18309 (VOB, Teil C)
Teaching activity
- since 2003 Honorary professor for the subject soil and ground improvement at the Technische Universität Berlin
- 1984 – 2016 Associate lecturer at the TU Berlin, lectures on foundation and soil engineering