The construction project for the gas and steam combined cycle power plant with an output of 810 to 910 megawatts lies within the seismically active region Hatay, in the southeast of Turkey.
The power plant complex is partly based on piles and - in areas of light construction - on strip and slab foundations. In order to prevent a „floating“ due to the high groundwater level near the sea, the entire area was increased by a three meter high filled ground.
The site is located in an earthquake area with a high groundwater level. Feasibility studies have found that liquefaction of the cohesive subsoil may occur during an earthquake event. To counteract this, a soil improvement was carried out by means of stone columns.
Erzin, Turkey
IDOM Ingenieria y Consultatoria S.A. (ICSA), Bilbao, Spanien
2010 - 2012
- detailed analysis of existing data taking into account soil conditions and loads
- opinion on the suitability of the originally planned soil improvement measures by means of high-pressure injection columns and the alternative by means of vibrating stone columns
- qualified description of the soil after soil improvement
- creation of a service specification
- creation of a construction plan for soil improvement, including detailed calculations and detailed drawings, checking of plans and a refinement of the specifications
- answering technical inquiries and solutions to problems during the performance of the stone columns