In the southeast of Berlin, the freeway A100 will be extended by a section of approximately 3,2 km Neukölln interchange to the Treptower Park junction. This section comprised 1.850 m trough section, 457 m tunnel section, two connection points, ten bridge structures and various supporting structures.
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Berlin
since 2007
- design and planning of the insitu soil investigation concept
- tendering and supervision of geotechnical field tests
- geotechnical laboratory experiments
- subsoil assessment and start-up consultancy for the route and all structures
- hydrological and hydrogeological report
- investigation and evaluation of the influence of the groundwater conditions by construction measure
- investigation of the impact of planned troughs on groundwater temperature
- contaminated sites investigation and evaluation of groundwater quality
- planning accompanying geotechnical consulting
- additional investigations (contaminated sites, water, ground, construction logistics) in the context of the design planning
- geotechnical examination of the design planning of the construction pit
- modelling simulation of groundwater heating