As part of the development of the Science and Technology Park in Berlin-Adlershof, a new development for commercial use is planned for the 80.000 m2 former industrial area on the property Groß-Berliner Damm 82/84. This required the dismantling of existing buildings, surface sealants and development media as well as groundwater and soil remediation (MKW and BTEX).
Land Berlin, represented by die Adlershof Projekt GmbH
2011 - 2013
- implementation and evaluation of remedial investigations
- preparation of work and safety plans in accordance with DGUV-rule 101-004, formerly BGR 128
- object planning according to HOAI § 42, Lph. 4-7 for the measures including the demolition statics
- expert support, site supervision and waste management for the measures including the authorized representative for the disposal of hazardous waste via SBB Sonderabfallgesellschaft Brandenburg/Berlin mbH
- evidence-protection of several neighboring buildings
- vibration monitoring during demolition work by means of stationary measuring systems