On the property in Mühlenstrasse 70-71 in Berlin-Friedrichshain, a multi-purpose hall, now better known as Mercedes-Benz-Arena or formerly O2-World, and an LED-billboard were planned and built.
The project included the construction and development of the 150.000 m2 former industrial area as well as the preparation of the foundation cushion for the new construction of the hall. The focus was also on a number of remedial measures. During the subsoil investigations, an old waste deposit i.a. from corroded barrels and production sludge discovered, which entailed the restoration of the deposit as well as of up to 7 m under ground with LHKW, BTEX, MKW, PCB and heavy metals contaminated soil. In addition, soil contamination in the area of a rainwater intake intended for disposal of production sludge was remediated. An approx. 100 m long CKW flag as well as a locally limited BTEX and MKW contamination in the groundwater were rehabilitated hydraulically with supporting pure filtration of the purified groundwater.
- subsoil expertise including foundation consultation for the construction of new buildings and for the development measures according to HOAI annex 1.4
- planning and construction supervision of soil replacement / foundation upholstery / foundation
- representative according to § 4, section 1 WHG for the development measure
- supplementary historical research, detailed investigation, risk assessment, remediation investigation of soil and groundwater pollution, groundwater modeling
- object planning according to HOAI § 42, Lph 1-7 for soil and groundwater remediation, rehabilitation plan according to BBodSchV
- creating a work and safety plan according to DGUV-rule 101-004, formerly BGR 128
- structural design for the excavation pits for soil remediation according to HOAI § 49
- local construction supervision and disposal management during the soil remediation and during the construction of the groundwater system including formal acceptance of the system after test operation
- contributing to the preparation and negotiation of public contracts (urban development contract, restructuring contract)
- supervision and documentation of groundwater monitoring and control of groundwater remediation until successful completion