The 19-storey hotel building with office and business use on the lower floors was built above a subway tunnel in the city of Berlin. The tunnel ceiling is about 1,5 m below the terrain surface and thus in the area of the single basement floor. A pile foundation on both sides of the tunnel and a special structural design kept the building loads away from the tunnel. Measures to reduce vibration and secondary airborne noise immissions from subway traffic were required.
HGA Hotel & Geschäftshaus am Alexanderplatz GmbH & Co. KG
2015 - 2018
- vibration measurements on the soil for a first forecast of the vibration and secondary airborne noise immissions from the subway traffic, based on empirical transfer functions from soil to storey ceilings.
- detailed forecast of the vibration and secondary airborne noise immission by means of finite element models of the building
- computational investigations of various measures to reduce the vibration immissions, such as elastic building bearings and sub ballast mats in the subway tunnel
- vibration measurements on the foundation piles to locate possibly inadvertently established stiff connections to the tunnel
- vibration measurements in the shell construction to select the required sub ballast mats for the subway tunnel
- vibration measurements in the finished shell construction to control the calculated forecast values