The approximately 44 km long extension line from Hude to Nordenham runs approximately parallel to the lower reaches of the Weser between Bremen and Bremerhaven. The natural subsoil in this section is characterized by Holocene soft layers (clay deposit). Because of the poor track condition and many slow driving the track had to be refurbished. In a joint test program with the TU Darmstadt and the TU Berlin, various measures for subsoil improvement using lime-cement columns were tested.
Lower Saxony
DB-Netz AG Niederlassung Nord Korridormanagement Elbe-Weser-Leine
2002 - 2003
- measurement of subsoil vibration in the depths 1m, 3m and 6m in x-,y- and z-direction -comparison of the different refurbishment measures
- determination of soil dynamic parameters: shear modulus and damping in the laboratory with the Resonant Column device
- forecast calculation using the FEM method (spatial system with infinite boundary elements) at variable train speeds - comparison of the different remediation measures
- forecast of the long-term dynamic settlement of the upcoming, partly improved clay and turf soils
- supervision of ground investigations
- soil-mechanical and soil dynamic laboratory investigations
- execution of vibration measurements in a test track
- preparation of the soil survey
- calculation of ground strengthening under static and dynamic loads