Opera house Cracow
In the east of Cracow, the second largest city in Poland, a new tram line was built from Rondo Mogilskie to Lubisz-Street. Simultaneous a new opera house was built on the section Lubisz-Street. In order to meet the high demands on vibration and noise protection in the opera house, particular insulation measures on the tracks were required.
In the southeast of the city, a tram line was reconstructed. In this case, an approximately 500 m long stretch of road in the Starowislna road and a section about 1.000 m long in the Dietla-Street were to be rebuilt. In order to ensure sufficient vibration and noise protection in the adjacent development, particular insulation measures on the tracks were also required there.
Tunnel Cracow Fast Tram
To improve accessibility, a new tram line was built in the east of the city, which runs in the section between Rondo-Mogliskie and Pawla-Street double-railed in a newly built tunnel. The approximately 2,3 km long tunnel leads past residential buildings and passes under a new shopping center.
Opera house
- recording the excitation caused by tram traffic in Cracow
- preparation of an emissions catalogue
- forecast of the ceiling vibrations and the secondary airborne sound levels for the opera house
- dimensioning of track insulating measures
- technical assessment of the situation before track reconstruction
- acquisition of emission spectra at tram crossings
- calculation of ceiling vibrations and secondary airborne noise levels in adjoining residential and business buildings
- development of effective system solutions regarding to the vibration emissions for the various track sections
Tunnel Cracow Fast Tram
- technical assessment of vibration excitation at existing track sections
- computational determination of the vibration excitation by tram crossings in the tunnel
- assessment of transfer functions: tunnel-subsoil and subsoil-buildings
- forecast calculation of the resulting ceiling vibrations and the secondary airborne sound levels in the adjacent buildings
- dimensioning of track insulating measures