About 45 km north of the German North Sea Island Borkum and within the excluding economic zone (EEZ) of the Federal Republic of Germany, the wind farm Merkur Offshore is being built. This will comprise a total of 66 turbines with a total capacity of 400 MW and a substation on a net area of approx. 40 km2.
Various foundation variants (including multi-pile foundations) were investigated. The soil and foundation report prepared by GuD contains a geological and geotechnical location description as well as a summary of the field and laboratory test results in site-specific design profiles for the selected foundation variant with monopile foundation. For assessment of the monopile foundations, the subsoil was evaluated for bearing capacity. Appropriate calculation methods were named, considering the constant and cyclical loading situation.
- subsoil and foundation report (construction phase) for monopile foundations
- subsoil and foundation report for the substation (OSS=Offshore Substation)
- foundation design for monopiles (basic and detailed design)
- consultation of dynamic pile tests
- driveability studies
- supervision of monopile installation as geotechnical expert for the client
- supervision of the installation of piles for the substation as a geotechnical expert
- supervision and 2nd opinion analysis of the dynamic pile test results